Superannuation - An Overview

Although superannuation had been around for some time, compulsory superannuation for every employee was only introduced in 1992. This meant superannuation now became a way for every Australian to save for retirement.

There are 3 main parts to a superannuation fund.

1 - Getting money into it. There are many methods and some offer you tax deductions. More information on this website can be found here, or contact us.

2 - Making your money work. You can invest in almost anything within a superannuation fund, so its best to get some advice from us on how to design and build your personalised portfolio.

3 - Using the money once you retire. There are several options at this point, plus other issues to consider such as lifestyle, longevity of your money, and Centrelink.

A very common problem with superannuation, is that its often forgotten about or not considered to be money belonging to individuals.

Super funds are holding more than $14 billion of lost super, while a further $3.75 billion of unclaimed super is held directly by the ATO.

ATO Press Release September 2017

Let us at Jason Dawson Financial Planning (JDFP) simplify things so you can understand your superannuation. We can help you track any lost superannuation and give you options so you can make the most of your money.