What is an investment?
The answer is just about anything, as long as it generates a return (growth, income, or both). The important question is should it be part of your portfolio?
Different types of investments can range from barrels of whiskey in Tasmania, to funeral plots in Cains, and boat moorings in the Brisbane River. Don't discount an investment
because it is strange, non-standard, or just wierd. You do need however, to focus on the appropriateness of the investment for you and your portfolio.
Ask whether this investment will enhance or hinder your portfolio.
For example, a 80 year old super client looking for regular income, probably should not have a barrel of whiskey as a part of his portfolio.
At Jason Dawson Financial Planning (JDFP) we use a very diversified approach to our portfolio design. Cntact us for a chat about designing or updating your investment portfolio.