Real Property
Owning property is almost in everyones DNA, so the question now turns to what type and how much? and particularly for investors what structure do you use?
There are multiple methods to purchasing property, including direct full ownership, like with the family home.
Another popular choice is via Listed and Unlisted Property Trusts which allows the purchase of either a single asset, or multiple assets with other investors.
A new concept, that takes a leaf out of the Crowd Funding book, is Fractional Property which allows property ownership with other investors but also
physcially identified property.
Both Fractional and Trust property allow you to buy real property without the need to spend large amounts of money and without a lot of the ongoing management problems.
Residential Property
The Australian mind set is very much tuned into owning your own home, as a result the local residential market is very healthy in size and has significant participation rate, there are several types of real residential property, including the traditional family home, town houses, and units or appartments.
Our experience is that real residential property is very dependent on the market conditions and the location
Commercial Property
Commercial property is whole different kind of animal in the property investment, a lot of the factors in residential property are just not relevant for commercial, and the market itself is very different, it can however provide you with and extra level of diversity to your property portfolio.