Super is a Lifelong Friend

Your superannuation will be with you from age 18 to the grave. That makes it something that needs to be monitored and respected, as it will grow with you to provide a huge benefit for you when you retire.

Because of this longevity, early accounts are often forgotten about. However this longevity means that small changes and regular monitoring can have a huge impact over the life of your superannuation fund.

There is a simple rule called the "Rule of 72". Basically, it says that if you divide 72 by your average return, you will find out how long it will take you to double your money.

Example: If you increased your average return by just 1% (from 8% to 9%), you would double your money in 8 years rather than 9 years. For an investor in their thirties, this would mean you double your money one more time before you retire!!

The moral of this story is you need to have your superannuation checked and monitored, and you need to start as soon as possible. Our contact details are found here.