Investing in Managed Funds
A Managed Fund is a pool of investment money from multiple investors, these funds are looked after by the selected manager, who will then invest the money according to the style of
investment and allocation used by each managed fund.
There are many manager styles but three of the most common are Value (a buy and hold strategy looking for value in the investments), Growth (a more aggressive style with focus
given to growth in the investments), and Index (passive follower of the market index).
(Click to Open - Source is Vanguard Investments Plain Talk Booklets)
Managed Fund Research
At Jason Dawson Financial Planning (JDFP) we conduct detail research into managed funds, below in The Box you can gain access to the same research reports.
They are organised into groups (or sub groups) of managed funds. Each file is a one page summary of that particular managed fund, and includes such details as performance,
underlying investments, consistency, and investment style details.
Documents relevant to the website are held within the cloud service as shown above.
Please be aware that most are PDF documents and will require a PDF reader to be installed on your computer, if you do not already have one.